Plans lodged for West End high-rise

The covers have come off another $60 million residential apartment development planned for Newcastle’s west end.

Just a week after confirmation that the heavy rail line between Wickham and Newcastle would be removed, plans for the twin-tower, 11-storey ‘‘WestEnd Apartments’’ have been lodged with Newcastle council.

Earmarked for Charles Street at Wickham, across the road from the planned Wickham interchange, WestEnd will house 122 apartments above four commercial suites at ground level.

To read more, please click here.

Thirdi Group

Thirdi Group has some exciting months ahead with new developments set to be released before the end of the year. Location is key with apartments going up under the Thirdi banner in Pyrmont, Wickham and Waterloo. For further details, please call our sales team on 02 9409 7200.

The Cove, Lane Cove

After a successful open day at The Cove, Lane Cove for owners to view their new apartments, the first tenants will be moving in to the building in August 2015. They will be the first to enjoy the innovative brilliance of the Thirdi Group Development.

Thirdi Group

We are now well and truly settled into our new offices at North Sydney. The industrial style of space with high ceilings, timber panelling, exposed brickwork and plenty of natural light; all examples of our innovative brilliance. If you haven’t seen our new space, please pop by to visit us at 343 Pacific Highway, North Sydney.